Friday, July 31, 2020

7/31/20: I Called the Cancer Center

At my cousin's suggestion, I called the Cancer Center to ask about my echocardiogram results. I'm definitely a bit worried, and it would bring peace of mind just to know what's in store, instead of wondering about it until my next appointment.

My medical oncologist doesn't work on Fridays, and my oncology NP happened to leave early today. So a different oncology NP called me back. She said usually 55% is the threshold for worrying about the ejection fraction; 53% isn't too much below 55%, but my ejection fraction has trended downward since my first echocardiogram. Sometimes they will refer the patient to a cardio-oncologist, and sometimes the Herceptin treatment will be disrupted. She said she doesn't know how my medical oncologist will want to proceed, so she'll put in a message to her, and someone will get back to me.

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