Friday, January 15, 2021

1/15/21: The Cancer Center Called Me

Actually, two people called. 

First, a scheduler called. She said she spoke with my oncology NP, who requested that I be scheduled for a televisit with my medical oncologist. She said they are trying to minimize in-person interactions, so it'll be a phone call, and she made the appointment for next week.

I figured this means there isn't an easy answer, or an automatic next step. As I was wondering what options my doctor might suggest, the phone rang again. 

This time it was a nurse. She, too, said that she had spoken with my oncology NP. But compared to the scheduler, she was much more explanatory. She was like, "I understand you've been having some bleeding, and you're waiting to hear from your doctor..." She said my oncologist wanted to discuss my case with some colleagues in the main hospital in the city before meeting with me. I super appreciated this extra bit of information. It actually builds my confidence knowing that my doctor is seeking out other opinions. (My first oncologist also discussed my case with colleagues, and I appreciated it then, too.) I told her a scheduler had already called, and I already have a phone appointment. Since the scheduler actually set the date, I assume it leaves enough time for the doctor to gather whatever other information she needs. The nurse apologized for calling again when I already had an appointment, but I thanked her for giving me new information. 

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