Yesterday I had the pelvic ultrasound to make sure there's nothing unusual about my ovaries that would complicate my BSO surgery.
Like last time, I was told to drink water before my appointment to make sure I had a full bladder. The person I spoke with recommended 2 bottles of water, but that's an awful lot of water for me, so I again did some trial runs with 24 oz., the amount recommended last time. I couldn't do it. I kept having to pee. On the day of my appointment, I drank only 12 oz., like last time.
My bladder was plenty full for the first part of the procedure, when they pushed the probe around on my abdomen. It was pretty uncomfortable, I had to consciously hold in the pee! I was allowed to use the bathroom before the internal part of the procedure, which was a lot more uncomfortable than I remembered from last time.
Anyway, I checked online today and was surprised to see my results available already. I couldn't understand most of the report, but it did say, "Bilateral ovaries are within normal limits." A little bit later, I got a friendly phone call from the OB/GYN's office letting me know the results were fine.
I mentioned that the doctor had told me to expect a phone call with pre-surgery instructions, but I hadn't received any call yet. She said she'd check in with the surgery coordinator.
I have to say, I'm impressed with how responsive this office has been. The surgery coordinator promptly sent me an email confirming my surgery date and providing pre-surgery showering instructions. The instructions said to use Hibiclens, but since I had an allergic reaction to chlorhexidine when I got my port installed, I called up the surgery coordinator to ask about it. She said I should just use any antibacterial soap. It occurs to me that I did shower with Hibiclens for my double mastectomy surgery, and I didn't have an allergic reaction then, but I figure it's better to be safe than sorry, so I'll just steer clear of it.
I also asked about the pre-surgery covid testing requirements, which weren't in the email. She said the hospital will call me closer to the surgery date to give me more instructions, including when and where to get tested before the surgery. My area is in another covid surge - right now my state has Delta-level case numbers, and the kids' school district has more daily cases than our Omicron peak! - so I'll need to be even more cautious to make sure I don't get infected before my surgery.