I was originally supposed to have an in-person appointment with my hepatologist this week, but the doctor's office called last week and asked if I wanted to change it to a telehealth appointment next week (presumably due to the current Delta-level plateau in COVID-19 cases in my state). From what I remember of my first hepatology appointment, an actual physical exam didn't seem critical, so I agreed to a phone appointment. (They also offered a video option, but I'm more comfortable on the phone.)
The office said the doctor would put in a lab order, so I should get my blood drawn the week before (this week), and the results would be ready in time to be discussed at my appointment. They asked which location I wanted to go to for the blood draw, which I appreciated because the hepatologist's office isn't the most convenient site for me.
Earlier this week, before making the drive to get my blood drawn, I decided to call the lab to confirm that the orders were ready. My penchant for double-checking everything paid off, because the lab had no orders for me! I had to call the hepatologist's office and tell them my expected lab orders weren't ready, and then follow up with the lab again later.
So I got my blood drawn yesterday, and then got an email late last night saying the results were available online. Interestingly, because I got my blood drawn at my usual satellite hospital's regular lab - and not the Cancer Center lab which is affiliated with the main hospital - the results aren't in the online patient portal that I usually use. Even though all my doctors are in the same hospital network, I have to use 3 separate web sites, each with its own account, to access my records: one for the main hospital, one for satellite hospitals, and one for my PCP. Yep, it's confusing.
Anyway. My liver function tests look good!! Here's a history of all my results, including the hormone therapy pill I was taking at the time. The first number is ALT, the second number is AST. The red numbers are out of range and indicative of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
08/16/22 26 22 Anastrozole08/08/22 26 26 Anastrozole06/10/22 46 34 Anastrozole05/13/22 57 41 Anastrozole04/15/22 78 56 Anastrozole03/18/22 86 63 Anastrozole02/18/22 79 65 Tamoxifen02/08/22 74 51 Tamoxifen01/21/22 62 53 Tamoxifen12/23/21 65 49 Tamoxifen06/10/21 25 22 Tamoxifen12/23/20 18 18 Exemestane
So the main questions I'll have for my hepatologist are: Does having ALT and AST values within normal range automatically mean that my liver is no longer fatty? Getting a FibroScan is what actually confirmed how fatty my liver was, so will I get another FibroScan to confirm improvement?
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