Friday, April 17, 2020

4/17/20: Lupron

For today's appointment, I was in and out in 15 minutes.

As instructed last week, I called my infusion nurse from my car in the parking garage. I left a message saying I had arrived. She called back within a few minutes to let me know that she put in the pharmacy order for the Lupron, so it should be ready by the time I checked in and got to the infusion room. I guess the purpose of me calling was to reduce the time I needed to be in the Cancer Center.

When I saw that there was a person checking in ahead of me, I decided to put on my cloth mask while waiting in line. During the check-in, I was given a surgical mask to wear instead. My identification and allergy wristbands were again trimmed and attached to the back of a sticker, which I stuck to the front of my shirt, identifying me as having been screeened.

Up in the infusion room, the medical assistant took my vitals, then directed me to a bay. Almost immediately the "new" nurse who has been working with my regular infusion nurse came in. She gave me the shot, and I dare say it was the most gentle and painless injection I've had so far!

1 comment:

  1. Catching up on the blog. Glad you are continuing to get better and hanging in there with all that is going on! Say hi to everyone from us. Love, Prem.
