Friday, August 7, 2020

8/7/20: Lupron

I overslept this morning! I had a 10:00 appointment, which means I'd normally leave the house at 9:15; the drive is a solid 30 minutes, and I like to leave a little extra time in case of traffic, plus I like being early. 

Well, I woke up at 9:25. I sat up in a panic thinking, "What day is it?! Where am I supposed to be?!" It took me a few moments before I realized I had 5 minutes to get ready and be out the door. I rushed around and left the house a little after 9:30. I literally walked through the hospital doors at 10:00 exactly. 

I wasn't late, and I'm sure this story doesn't seem like a big deal to most people. But I am just the type of person who likes to arrive early to everything, and being late stresses me out. Especially now that I'm hyper-conscious of my blood pressure, I'd just like to avoid unnecessary anxiety!

Anyway, today's appointment was just for Lupron, so it was a quick 15-minute visit. 

My infusion nurse asked how my cardiology appointment went. I said I was given the green light to continue with Herceptin. I also mentioned how the appointment made me aware of how every part of my health, including my cholesterol and blood pressure, might have a connection to my cancer treatment. There wasn't much for her to say, though she gave me a few words of support, reminding me that no matter how "normal" going to the Cancer Center may seem to me now, it's still a stressful thing to have to do, on top of the pandemic, so basically I shouldn't be too hard on myself, that these developments are understandable in my situation. 

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