Friday, October 2, 2020

10/2/20: Lupron

I woke up with the port area feeling sore and achy, but not enough to take another Tylenol. 

I got my Lupron shot, and also asked if I could get a flu shot today. I had to wait around a while for the order to go through, but I got it.  

From now on, I only need to go to the Cancer Center every 4 weeks for the Lupron. My next medical oncologist visit is in 3 months, too. Still, my calendar isn't totally empty; in the meantime, I have an echocardiogram, a follow-up with the cardio-oncologist, and an appointment with my OB/GYN. 

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear your appointments are getting less. Soon they won’t be so much of your daily life!
