Friday, October 30, 2020

10/30/20: Lupron

Got my monthly shot. Nothing too exciting there.

The steri-strips over my port removal incision still haven't come off. It's been almost a month. The discharge papers say the strips will fall off on their own, but don't say how long it should take. Google tells me they usually fall off in about 2 weeks, but my nurse today said it's okay if they take 4-6 weeks. She suggested I could help them along a little by gently washing the area with a washcloth in the shower. I'll do that; so far I've just been letting soapy water run over them.

I also decided to show the nurse the tick bite I got last Saturday. I walk in the area behind my house, and there's a short path through some light woods. I was wearing long sleeves and long pants (though the top wasn't tucked in), and I certainly didn't rub up against any branches or leaves. So this means a tick somehow fell on me, and crawled on my clothes and body until it found a spot on my waist to bite. Ugh! Gross. I'm not even sure if the tick bit me on Friday or Saturday, but I found it on Saturday. Ken pulled it out with tweezers. There was a tiny hole where the tick was, a small dark purple dot around the hole, and then a larger red patch around that. I've taken pictures of it almost every day since, and it looks like it's getting better, but I figured I'd show the nurse just in case. I showed her the photos and she agreed it looks like it's improving. She said to watch out for fever, chills, warmth in the area, and a growing rash. If I get any symptoms, I should contact my PCP.


  1. Oh for crying out loud! I really think the universe should cut you a break!

    Love you honey.

    Michelle P.

    1. Right!? Haha. But you, too. Thinking of you and Rosalie and sending you guys love and support!
