Monday, April 12, 2021

4/12/21: I Got My 2nd Dose of the Moderna Vaccine

I got the exact same nurse as last time! I wasn't sure at first - it was hard to tell behind the mask - but then she confirmed she was the person who gave me my first dose when she recognized her own handwriting on my vaccination card. This location runs a relatively big operation with about a dozen stations, so it felt like a remarkable coincidence. 

She started to prep my left arm for the shot, then asked if I had recently scratched myself in that area? I took a look and saw a small red streak just where the shot would go. I said I have no idea how that happened! She said it looks like I scratched myself with my opposite hand, like maybe a fingernail took off a bit of skin, but it did look kind of "rashy", with a few tiny red dots. She said it would be fine to give the shot in my left arm, but she didn't want me to later think the existing streak was a rash in reaction to the vaccine. I decided to get the shot in my right arm then, so it's easier to identify a new rash if I do get one. She said some people actually think the soreness goes away sooner when the injection is given in the dominant arm, because using the arm and keeping it in motion seems to help. Who knows. I figure it's just a couple days, I'll be okay. 

So far, the side effects are about the same as last time: I feel very tired and cold, and my arm is sore. I fell asleep super early, but then had trouble sleeping because my arm hurt so much.  

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