Thursday, June 6, 2019

6/6/19: My NP Called Me with MRI Results - Images are "Suspicious"

I need to start answering unknown callers on my cell phone, at least while there's a possibility of receiving a call from a medical professional.

I missed the NP's phone call. She left a message about discussing my MRI results. I returned the call immediately, but she was already no longer available. I waited 3 anxious hours for her to call me back.

She said the MRI images showed "suspicious enhancements" in both areas.

Regarding the first lump: My understanding is that the MRI confirmed a cyst within the skin. However, the area underneath the cyst was "suspicious."

Regarding the second lump: This area was "enhancing on the MRI with a similar pattern" as the other area. Given the MRI results, this area should have been detectable on the ultrasound; it's surprising it wasn't.

The next step would be a repeat ultrasound with biopsy for both areas.

Up until now, I had gone to a separate Breast Imaging location for my tests, mostly because it was where I had been getting my annual screening mammograms, and because it was slightly easier to drive to than the Breast Center. At this point, though, it seemed wise to consolidate all my appointments at the Breast Center.

The biopsy results would be available about 5 days afterwards.

I don't know what all goes on behind the scenes, but the NP said someone would call me to schedule the ultrasound and biopsy appointment. Maybe it's just not the NP's job to schedule appointments.

Again, I waited for a call.

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