Friday, June 7, 2019

6/7/19: The Scheduler Called Me

Someone from the Breast Center called in the afternoon to set up the ultrasound and biopsy appointment. I was relieved the call came before the weekend.

The only thing concerning about this phone call was that the person said I would be scheduled for a "repeat ultrasound with possible biopsy." I asked why she said "possible" because I was under the impression that I was definitely getting a biopsy of two locations. She said I would "most likely" get a biopsy, but the "possible" just indicates that the decision would be made depending on what the ultrasound shows. I could theoretically get one, both, or neither location biopsied.

While I waited for my appointment date to arrive, my anxiety increased at the idea of not getting both locations biopsied. At this point, I just wanted to know for sure what was going on with each lump.

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