Monday, February 3, 2020

2/3/20: Sleeping on My Right Side Helped

I've been sleeping on my back for so long, I honestly forgot that sleeping on my side was an option.

Since my hands feel worst in the mornings, I wondered if sleeping on my back was part of the problem. I've noticed that even when I try to lean back while sitting, or lie down on the couch to rest, any reclining position makes my hands feel worse.

Sleeping on my right side actually did seem to help. I was able to find a kind of natural position for my arms, keeping them mostly straight, and they felt better than when I sleep on my back. Even now, my right arm and hand feel better than my left.

Still, I woke up a couple times because of my hands, and the only way to really get relief is to get up and walk around.

After one waking, going back to bed, I tried sleeping on my left side. My numb and tingly chest makes sleeping on either side a little weird, but the port on my left side makes it feel even weirder. Plus, I couldn't find a comfortable position for my arms. I'll keep trying, though.

Meanwhile, during the day, my hands definitely feel best when I am walking around and being active. But I still suspect that being too active is a factor in the swelling in the first place. So I'm trying to find a balance of keeping active, but not too active.

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