Wednesday, September 2, 2020

9/2/20: I Guess I Don't Need Referrals Anymore?

According to my meticulously kept records, the referral for my medical oncologist expires today. I called my PCP's referral line to get a new referral for my new doctor. Surprisingly, they said a referral isn't needed because the specialist is in the same hospital network as my PCP. 

I asked if this is a new policy, and they said it's been in effect since at least February. I actually noticed that the referral I requested for my cardio-oncologist in August was not showing up in the online patient portal; they confirmed that they have a record of the request, and that a referral wasn't needed because the cardiologist is in the same hospital network. My online patient portal does show a new referral for my breast surgeon in June, and for my genetic counselor in July; they are both in the same hospital network, too, so now I don't understand why those went through, but I guess it doesn't matter, as long as my insurance covers the appointments.

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