Monday, December 13, 2021

12/13/21: I Get Anxiety with My Hot Flashes

I noticed something about my hot flashes (presumably a symptom of chemically-induced menopause, thanks to the Lupron shots).

Moments before onset, I get a wave of anxiety. I don't like this at all, because I tend to have anxiety issues already (though not formally diagnosed). 

At first, I wasn't sure which was coming first - the anxiety or the hot flash? I thought maybe my anxiety was a trigger for hot flashes. And maybe that does happen sometimes. But most of the time, I am just going about my business not feeling anxious in the slightest, and suddenly I will feel super anxious, and then moments later, I get a hot flash. 

My hot flashes are brief, but frequent. I get them pretty much every hour while I'm awake. I get the wave of anxiety, and then I feel super warm. I always wear short sleeves under a sweater now, so I have to take off the sweater and put my hair up in a ponytail. I also try to keep a hand fan close by, to help cool me down. If I take off layers and use a fan, I usually don't sweat. It passes after just a couple minutes, and then I'll put the sweater back on and let my hair down. 

I also get 1-2 hot flashes every night. I have to throw off the covers for a while, and then I'll huddle back under them after it passes. 

I guess in the scheme of things, these hot flashes aren't like a huge problem. But they sure feel disruptive.

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