Thursday, December 12, 2019

12/12/19: Cycle 10 Side Effects

Same old side effects, plus the new rash on my hand:
  • Dry, red, bumpy, itchy rash on the back of my hands
  • Continued hair loss (I find tiny little stubble hairs on the bathroom counter.)
  • Blurry vision
  • Mild headache
  • Blood in stuffy/runny nose
  • Acne (face, back, and scalp)
  • Dry mouth (on day 1 of cycle)
  • Insomnia / Trouble sleeping
  • Occasional mild neuropathy (occurred more frequently this week than previously)
  • Tiredness / Fatigue (on days 3 through 6 of cycle)
  • Changes in sense of taste (e.g., no sense of taste at all, or something tastes metallic; has not persisted beyond 1 meal at a time)
This week I was mostly pre-occupied by my port incision. It bums me out. It's completely open again. I don't know if the stitches came out too early, or if it was too late to re-stitch in the first place, or what. It's not quite as wide as it was before, and it does look like it's going through some stages of healing, so maybe the stitches did something. I just need to accept that it's going to be an ugly scar, and hope that there will be a way to ensure a better outcome when I get my port out.

It does occur to me that of all things to go wrong, having the port incision not heal is probably the least problematic of things that could have gone wrong. Thankfully, my DMX incisions are healing well, and chemo has been going fine, too. (Knock on wood.) It's probably a bit much to expect everything to go as planned, so if something has to go wrong, it might as well be a poorly healing port incision. 

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