Sunday, December 8, 2019

12/8/19: I Checked My Insurance Claims Online

Since we've already met our deductible, the "You Pay" amounts for these claims were all $0. The numbers listed below are the "Claim Total" amounts.

10/3/19: Medical Oncologist Appointment: $363.00
11/8/19: Chemotherapy Cycle #6 (Including Blood Work, Medical Oncologist Appointment, Physical Therapy Appointment #7): $7,264.25
11/15/19: Chemotherapy Cycle #7 (Including Blood Work, Physical Therapy Appointment #8): $7,532.14
11/22/19: Chemotherapy Cycle #8 (Including Blood Work, Medical Oncologist Hospital): $7,396.14
11/29/19: Chemotherapy Cycle #9 (Including Blood Work, Lupron): $7,847.61

Total cost to date: $145,626.28
With insurance, cost to me: $4,229.43

1 comment:

  1. WOW, that's astounding how much each round of chemo costs!
