Tuesday, October 15, 2019

10/15/19: I Called My Physical Therapist

I decided to ask my physical therapist if I should have another appointment so she can look at my cording. She scheduled me for a time slot during my chemo on Friday, so she'll just come to my bay in the infusion room.

With all the extra stretching, the cord seems like it's improving. At this point, I can't see the cord unless I raise my arm up over my head, and I can't feel that thin, taut wire under my skin along my arm; I can still feel it in my armpit, though. 

Here's a photo of the cord in my arm. It's kind of subtle, but it's a straight vertical line starting in the middle of the photo, extending downward. 

1 comment:

  1. I think I can slightly see the cording but it’s barely noticeable, at least from the photo. Glad it’s improving.
