Thursday, October 31, 2019

10/31/19: (10 Weeks Post-DMX) I'm Still Recovering

These days, the focus is so much on my chemo that I sometimes forget I'm still recovering from DMX surgery.

I'm able to get by now without the larger seat belt pillow that went across my chest; the pressure of the seat belt still feels weird, but it's bearable. I don't like anything putting pressure on my port, so I'm still using the smaller seat belt pillow when driving, placed on my shoulder to keep the seat belt off my port.

Over the last week or so, I've been feeling a lot more in my chest area. It's still just plain weird. There's the tightnesss of the "iron bra" sensation, but it's more than that. If I touch some areas that were previously numb, it feels tingly. Occasionally, I'll get a shooting feeling in one or both incisions, but it's not really very painful, maybe just like a strong sensation.

I don't know anything about human anatomy, but there are these muscles, about the same level as my incisions but around back, below my underarms. Anyway, they're sore.

I think I have my full range of motion back, but only if I move slowly. My muscles are definitely still tight and need stretching. I can drive, but some muscles are still strained if I turn the steering wheel hand over hand; it's easier to shuffle my hands along the steering wheel. I am doing everything around the house that I did before surgery, though I can feel some limitations in the kitchen; motions like wiping down the table, or mixing stuff in a bowl, still feel weird, and I can't do them for long, or else "discomfort" in my incisions and chest area moves towards "pain". Same goes if I do anything that requires strength in my arms, like lifting heavy bags of groceries; I need to be careful not to do those things too much or too quickly.

Sometimes I'm not sure if I'm overdoing it, so I should rest more, or if I'm just getting my feeling back, and this is what it feels like when numbness gradually goes away. Maybe it's a bit of both.

One last thing. I'm still sleeping on my back. I used to sleep on my side or tummy, but it still feels weird. Not painful, so I could if I wanted to, but just weird.


  1. Glad to hear that your recovery is progressing! A lot was "messed with" in your chest and underarms...I'm sure it's hard to be patient with it, but it sounds like you've made a lot of progress!! Celebrate the victories and focus on how far you've already come.

    1. That's good advice, to celebrate how far I've come, instead of fretting over how much is still left to go. Thanks!!
