Tuesday, October 1, 2019

10/1/19: I Talked to the Port Nurse Again

I had assumed that the rashiness around my port was a result of scratching to relieve itchiness, which I assumed was a normal part of the incisions healing. But this morning I started to wonder if it's the other way around... Maybe I am itchy because I have a rash?

This morning I took 25 mg of Benadryl to see what would happen. It did relieve the itchiness quite a bit. A rash I know might take longer to go away.

While I debated whether or not to call the port nurse about this itchy rash, I got a phone call reminding me about an upcoming appointment on Thursday. I took advantage of having someone on the phone and mentioned the itchy rash around my port. The person who called may or may not have been a nurse, but she was very nice about it and said she'd have the port nurse call me back.

When I spoke with the port nurse, she did not say that being itchy or having a rash was normal. But she also didn't seem particularly concerned. She gave me some ideas to help relieve the itching, like using a cold compress, or applying some hydrocortisone cream (being careful not to get any into the incisions). She said maybe my skin was reacting to the Tegaderm dressing, or even the cleanser used during the surgery. I think the only real problem they worry about is infection, and since I have no pain or fever, that doesn't seem to be the issue.

I will be at the hospital tomorrow for a physical therapy appointment, and the port nurse very kindly said I could stop by before or after, and she'd take a look at it. I don't want to be "that patient" who worries about every little symptom, but it really does help to get reassurance from a medical professional!


  1. I know what you mean about not wanting to be "that patient" but I'm glad you're also trying to balance that out with good self-care and information gathering. Trust me, wanting information and being nervous doesn't make you "that patient". Medical people like a patient who's involved in the process.

    Love you.
