Monday, September 30, 2019

9/30/19: My Port is Uncomfortable

The areas surrounding both port incisions have been so itchy! Figures it started itching after I spoke with the port nurse on Friday. It's calming down, I think, especially the top incision, the more it scabs over. But it's SO hard to not scratch. If I do, the area gets a red, bumpy, rashy look.

Sometimes the uncovered port stings and hurts when my shirt rubs against it. At home, I wear just a camisole that doesn't cover the port. It's not a pretty sight, so I talked to Ken and the kids about it first.

If I have to put on a shirt, sometimes I'll cover the area lightly with a piece of gauze and a bit of medical tape, just to keep the shirt from rubbing against it.

I don't need the wedge pillow anymore when sleeping, but I'm still sleeping flat on my back all the time. It's getting easier to lean towards my right side, but still feels a little funny. The left side is even less comfortable because of the port.

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