Friday, September 20, 2019

9/19/20 - 9/20/19: Phone Calls

The last few weeks since surgery have been relatively slow-paced and calm. I had a few medical appointments here and there, but mostly I just laid low and rested and focused on physical recovery and mental well-being. The medical oncologist appointment was like the marker for when I would have to start thinking about "further treatement."

Now that there's a plan, things are happening quickly. 

Yesterday I got separate phone calls to schedule next week's port placement and echocardiogram. The port placement is done in the radiology department, and the echocardiogram is in cardiology. I also called the physical therapy department to re-schedule an appointment to make room for the informational meeting with the oncology nurse.

I got a call today that turned out to be the pre-operative call for my port placement. It's an outpatient surgery, so I have the same instructions to not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before, and to shower the night before and morning of with Hibiclens. This time I was told I would get a bottle of Hibiclens at my nurse appointment on Monday.

Yesterday, in calls to help coordinate my appointments, the oncology nurse saw that I had a physical therapy appointment scheduled for the day after my port placement. She thought that would be too soon, that I would be too sore, so she said she would talk to the physical therapist about that concern. I spoke with my physical therapist today, and we cancelled that appointment, and will just see how things go at my next appointment and go from there.

The oncology nurse also called today to schedule another appointment with my medical oncologist, plus my first two chemo infusions. I start the first week of October. So soon!


  1. This time they give you the Hibiclens instead of you having to buy it! =P

    1. Well, that's what I'm told, but I will find out on Monday. Hahaha.
