Friday, September 20, 2019

9/19/19 - 9/20/19: Insurance Letters Denying and then Approving Oncotype Testing

I didn't even realize that Oncotype DX testing required pre-authorization from my insurance company. I learned from the MRI and genetic testing that all the pre-authorization business is between the doctor's office and the insurance company; there's nothing for me to do.

I know my cancer was tested because we discussed the results with my medical oncologist. On the same day as that appointment, I got a letter saying the Oncotype testing was denied by my insurance. I didn't worry about it too much, because the testing already happened, though I wondered if I'd get hit with a giant bill later.

Today I got a letter approving the testing.

Can't say I understand how the insurance industry works.


  1. I'm sorry you have to go through all this insurance silliness!
    Good luck in October!

  2. Glad to see the denied claim was resolved!

  3. The insurance stuff is crazy. We were still getting new bills for things 8 months after Dan's accident.
