Monday, September 9, 2019

9/9/19: (17 Days Post-DMX) I Drove

Today I picked the kids up from school. Ken came with me just in case. It went fine!

I definitely found myself driving slower than usual because I was being so careful. It wasn't effortless; I could feel muscles being stretched as I turned the steering wheel. Also, backing out of the driveway was non-trivial because I couldn't turn my torso as far as usual to look behind me. And I did feel kind of worn out afterwards.

I think driving will be good for me; it'll force me to use my arms in ways that they are normally used.

I'm going to ease myself back into driving, though. I'll only pick up the kids for a few days, and then I'll add in dropping them off, and then I'll work up to longer drives.

My chest is still bruised and sensitive, so I did use a mastectomy seat belt pillow that I received as a gift from my cousin. It worked well enough, though it didn't quite stay put, so I had to occasionally re-position it. I think a larger version may work even better, being more stable and spreading out the support across the whole chest and shoulder area.

Also, I think I will try to gradually reduce my use of the compression band. I'm going to start by taking it off only to sleep, continuing to wear it during the day. 


  1. Hmm? I tried to post a comment a couple of days ago from my iPhone and it wouldn't post. It still won't today. I can't figure it out. So, I have to post from a desktop. Anyway, just wanted to say glad to hear you're easing back into your daily activities!

    1. Thanks!

      Sorry I can't do anything to fix the comments, it's just a part of Blogger. Seems like a lot of people aren't able to post comments on phones.
