Friday, September 27, 2019

9/27/19: I Took the Dressing Off My Port

After port placement, both incisions were covered with gauze and Tegaderm.

At the nurse visit for my port yesterday, the nurse removed the dressing for the top incision, and said it's okay to leave it uncovered. It's starting to scab over, but it still stings and looks red, so I've been putting a bit of Neosporin on it.

The nurse put new dressing over the port, and said I could take it off today, which I did. The port incision is closed with surgical glue.

The whole area still hurts. Not as bad as the first night, and I took just one dose of Tylenol (1000 mg total) today.

I was going to post a photo, but the port incision is still looking pretty raw.

What's weird is - besides the idea of having a device installed inside me, which is pretty weird - I can see/feel the catheter part of my port between the two incisions. It's like a little ridge going right over the collar bone. That kind of freaks me out. It'll take some getting used to.

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