Thursday, November 14, 2019

11/14/19: I Think My Port Incision is Finally Healing

I've been putting triple antibiotic ointment on my port incision as instructed by my infusion nurse last week, and I think it's really helped.

Before using the antibiotic, the incision never really closed. It had what looked like 2 small scabs preventing the skin from closing, except they weren't really scabs, because they never fully hardened or fell off. (I considered posting a photo, but it's kind of gross, and I don't think there's any educational value in it.)

The incision always looked angry, a little red, a little swollen. It made me uneasy. But it didn't hurt, it wasn't warm to the touch, and I didn't have a fever. At least one medical professional looked at it on a weekly basis and said it didn't look infected, so I figured I was just healing slowly for some reason.

At first I was using Glad Press 'n Seal to keep the antibiotic ointment in place, because bandaids were irritating my skin. Then I suddenly realized that using Glad Press 'n Seal probably wasn't a good idea, because it's not sterile! Geez. I switched to using a gauze pad and medical tape. I don't know why I didn't think of that before.

Apparently, I managed to stumble upon the proper way to treat a wound (though I'm using an antibiotic instead of plain Vaseline because it's what my nurse said to do). I wasn't thinking of my incision as a "wound", but I think that's what was going on, since the incision hadn't closed properly. The ointment softened the 2 non-scab things; they turned white and mushy (ew...), and after a few days, they came off with just a bit of gentle help with a Q-tip.

I think the incision looks better than before; at least it looks like it's closed. But it's still kind of red and raw, so I'm still using the antibiotic ointment. We'll see what my nurse says tomorrow. 


  1. Oh, good point about the sterility of Glad Press n' Seal. Maybe that negates my comment on an earlier post =P

    1. I think Glad and Bandaid should team up and make a band-aid with press 'n seal instead of adhesive! Haha.
