Thursday, November 21, 2019

11/21/19: Cycle 7 Side Effects

Omg. This hair loss business is traumatic for sure. I can't stand it. I've cried more about losing my hair than about losing my boobs.

My scalp downright hurts. It's tingly and itchy and anything that touches it causes pain. Not a lot, but enough to trigger an "ow".

Oh, I guess I'm not such a genius after all. My Glad Press 'n Seal trick worked for a while, but I guess it just took longer for my skin to react. Now it's red and rashy at all points of contact with bandaids, medical tape, and Glad Press 'n Seal. I actually only recently remembered that when my mom had a wound, the nurse used a skin barrier wipe to protect her skin from adhesives. By the time I thought of it, I figured my wound was close to healing, so I didn't bother with it, but maybe I should look into it after all. In the meantime, I guess I'll still use the antibiotic ointment, but just leave the wound uncovered. It still has 3 whitish spots that look like they aren't done healing.

Everything else is the same as usual: background headache, blurry vision, blood in stuffy/runny nose, acne, occasional mild neuropathy, fatigue Sunday through Wednesday.

I haven't mentioned it in a while, but Friday night I am always up late, presumably because of the steroid pre-med Decadron. I consistently get about 3-4 hours of sleep on Friday night, but still have a good day on Saturday, because the steroid is still in my system. It wears off by Sunday, when the fatigue kicks in. By Thursday my energy level feels almost normal. It's helpful having a predictable energy schedule to plan around: lots of energy Friday through Saturday, tapers on Sunday, tired through Wednesday, fine on Thursday. Repeat.

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