Monday, August 19, 2019

8/19/19: Phone Call + Email

Hm. I know people are only human, and tasks can sometimes fall through the cracks. My surgery on Friday is like the Main Event for me, but of course I'm just one of many, many patients in the hospital.

I'm just trying to manage my anxiety. Right now it's not bad, and I'd like to keep it that way!

On the pre-operative phone call last week, the nurse said she would send me an email with complete instructions. I didn't get the email on Friday, so I called the hospital this morning. The nurse who answered the phone sent me the email immediately and had me confirm receipt while on the phone.

Interestingly, contrary to what the nurse said on the phone, the printed instructions clearly state, "Do not shave near where you will have surgery. Shaving with a razor can irritate your skin and make it easier to develop an infection."

The email also does not include full instructions for how to use Hibiclens. In fact, it says, "Hibiclens solution and instructions for how to use it will be given to you at your pre-admission visit." But I don't have a pre-admission appointment. So I found these instructions posted by the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. And it sounds like I can buy it myself at a pharmacy.

Edited to add: I was able to buy Hibiclens at my local CVS. I don't have the receipt so I can't remember what I paid exactly, but lists the price as $13.49.

Total cost to date: $18,100.71
With insurance, cost to me: $890.56‬


  1. Oh, this post answers my question on the previous post. Insurance should cover Hibiclens! =P

    1. Or at least the cost of Hibiclens should count towards deductible =P

    2. Ack! Good thinking!! I totally could have filed a claim to get reimbursed for the cost by our HSA! But I already threw the CVS receipt into our recycling, and Ken just happened to take the recycling to the dump just this morning! Oh, well. Phooey. :P lists the price as $13.49, which sounds about right for what I paid. I'm going to add it to my running "cost to me" tally. Haha.

    3. That is expensive for soap! $13.49 for how much volume of soap? And do you even use the whole thing? You should definitely add it to your cost tally!

    4. It's 8 fluid ounces. The instructions I linked in the post don't say how much to use, but in my Googling, I found one page that says to use 1/4 bottle for each washing:

      ...and another set of instructions that says to use 1/2 the bottle!

  2. For a while I always forgot my HSA, but then eventually I got used to using my HSA debit card, and it's super handy! Submitting receipts actually was pretty easy, for the times I forgot to pay with my HSA debit card.

    1. We had a card with our old insurance plan! But we didn't get one for the new plan we switched to on July 1...
