Monday, August 26, 2019

8/26/19: (3 Days Post-DMX) I'm Good + I Called the Breast Center

As I recover comfortably at home, I'm feeling encouraged by these "positive affirmation socks" that my cousin gave me!

Still no real pain, same soreness as before, but lots of itchiness under my compression band, especially where the drain tubes are pressed against my skin. Mostly I get relief by just lifting and gently shifting the compression band in the itchy places.

Padding around the house, I thought it might be fun to use my Fitbit to track my progress at being mobile. But it looks like Fitbit is not registering my gentle steps, so it's undercounting by a lot. Oh, well.

The range of motion in my arms is improving every day. I could barely reach my hair the first day after surgery, but today I'm able to brush my hair without much effort.

Among the hospital discharge papers, there were instructions for creating an online patient portal account. I disregarded it at first, because I knew I had already set up my account. But today I realized that the instructions were for a third online system! I went ahead and set it up, and it turns out that using this account, I can see reports that are not listed on the other account! I can't make sense of which reports go where; the radiologist's report of my biopsy is on this site, but the pathology report of the same biopsy is on the other site.

Finally, the discharge nurse had said I should expect a call from the Breast Center today about setting up a follow-up appointment this week. When I didn't receive a call by this afternoon, I called them. Turns out, I was misinformed! I have an existing follow-up appointment with the breast surgeon in mid-September, but I will probably not see him before then unless I have an unexpected problem. I just need to measure the output from my drains each day, and when each drain collects 30 mL or less per day for 2 consecutive days, then I should call the Breast Center to set up an appointment to get my drains taken out, which will probably be done by a nurse practitioner.

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